Thursday, December 18, 2008

Treasure of Whitethorn

In the 1970s Albert P. Sharpe, my stepfather, told me about a buried treasure in Whitethorn. He said an old logger buried a quart jar of coins in his back yard in the 1930s or 40's. People had looked an looked for the Jar which by the 1970s might be worth more than face value due to having old, rare coins. Al knew exactly where the logger's cabin was located before it was flattened by age.

At that time I had a friend, Mary Middendoref, who owned a a metal detector. Mary, my 10 year old daughter and I rushed up to Whitethorn to look for the treasure. Sure enough we found the exact place where it was supposed to be buried. Mary put her detector to work and we were sure we would find the cash. However, the detector buzzed on every single inch of ground we covered. We finally realized there had previously been a sawmill in that location and the slag from the burner (used for burning sawdust and wood) covered the entire ground where the treasure was thought to be located. We of course had no luck finding the jar of coins. We did however, have a great time thinking we were going to make an historic find. LOL

Copyright 2008 Sharon Moxley

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